Each week this season, we will offer a “quiz” question regarding the Racing Rules of Sailing. Read the scenario below, formulate your answer, then move your mouse over the box to reveal the correct answer.
Need further explanation?
something we can discuss on the porch on Sunday.

This Week's Question
Boats S (on starboard tack) and P (on port tack), both close-hauled, are converging on a beat. P will safely cross S. However, when they are less than two lengths apart, the wind veers (shifts to the right) ten degrees. S luffs (changes her course) in response to the wind shift such that P is unable to keep clear. There is minor contact with no damage or injury, and both boats protest. You are on the protest committee; which boat should be penalized? (From Perry, Quiz 6)
Boat S is penalized under rule 16.1, Changing Course. Rule 16.1 states, “When a right-of-way boat changes course, she shall give the other boat room to keep clear.” S changes course when so close to P that P is unable to keep clear and there is contact. Therefore, S failed to give P room to keep clear, thereby breaking rule 16.1. The fact that S’s change of course is in response to a windshift is not relevant to the application of rule 16.1. P breaks rule 10, On Opposite Tacks, but is exonerated (not penalized) under rule 21, Exoneration, or rule 64.1(a), Decisions: Penalties and Exoneration, because she is compelled to break rule 10 by S’s breach of rule 16.1. S also breaks rule 14, Avoiding Contact; but as the right-of-way boat, she is exonerated (not penalized) for breaking rule 14 as the contact does not cause damage or injury (see rule 14(6)). P does not break rule 14, because S changes course so close to P that it is not possible for P to avoid the contact
This quiz was borrowed from the Inland Lake Yachting Association‘s #FairSailing initiative
Learn more at sailzing.com
Excerpted from Dave Perry’s100 Best Racing Rules Quizzes, available from US Sailing. For a comprehensive explanation of the rules, read Dave Perry’s Understanding the Racing Rules of Sailing through 2024, which is also available from US Sailing.