US Sailing launches new website…

In an effort to better serve sailors, US Sailing, the national governing body for the sport launched a new, improved website on May 1, 2018.  The new site is more streamlined, user-friendly, and easier to navigate.  Check it out!

Learn more about what US Sailing does and the advantages of membership in the following video:

Mills Trophy Race – June 7-9, 2018

The Mills Trophy Race is the premier sailing race on Lake Erie and is sponsored by the Toledo Yacht Club. It began in 1907 as a test of navigational skills on Lake Erie. The race has been held nearly every year since then and is unique in that it is raced at night. Although the race was originally configured as a triangle beginning and ending at the Toledo Yacht Club, since 1981 the race has begun at the harbor light and ended here at Put-in-Bay. That makes it a 35+ year tradition for the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club being involved. Come visit the island this weekend and see hundreds of sailing ships lining the docks in downtown Put-in-Bay.

The weekend kicks off with the Mills Party (open to the public) at Toledo Yacht Club on the evening of Thursday, June 7th.  The races start the afternoon of Friday, June 8 and the racers continue on one of three long distance courses overnight, ending at Put-in-Bay.  Saturday afternoon brings the Sailors Party at Put-in-Bay Yacht Club and plenty of fun on the docks and around South Bass Island.  The weekend culminates with the Awards Ceremony on Sunday morning and the racers depart for home.  Once again this year, BLYC’s Steve Harris will serve as the Principal Race Officer for the event.  If you’re thinking of coming up and enjoying a fun time on the island with fellow sailors, let him know!

For more information on the Mills, click on the image above.

2018 I-LYA Regattas

The 2018 I-LYA Regattas will be held again this summer at Put-in-Bay, hosted by the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club.  BLYC has a long history of participation in these events and this summer will be no exception:

I-LYA Junior Championships
“Junior Bay Week”
July 15-19

I-LYA Sail Regatta
August 2-5

I-LYA Powerboat Week
August 8-12

Once again, BLYC will be well-represented at Junior Bay Week with several of our youth sailors already committed to race again this year.  Steve Harris will be the Overall Principal Race Officer (PRO) for the event, Matt & Tracey Davis will be assisting the Commodore as Fleet Captains with logistics, and many other BLYC members will assist.  This year’s chairs are Matt & Lisa Fisher from Hoover Sailing Club.  Matt, the son of P/C George & Marty Fisher and brother of P/C Gayle Fisher-Mulvey, grew up sailing at BLYC and has long history with our Club.  His parents, George and Marty, chaired the event in 1975 – making him only the 2nd second-generation chair for the 60+ year old event. Many BLYC members will make the trip up to support our team and enjoy a few days on South Bass Island again this year.

The Sail Regatta begins just one week following Junior Bay and features racing in PHRF, JAM, and a variety of One-Design classes.  Don Harris is planning to race Tan-Tar-A again this year.  Steve Harris will be the PRO on the Centerboard Course.  Matt & Tracey Davis will again be assisting the Commodore in their Fleet Captain roles. CLICK HERE to visit the Sail Regatta page and download the NOR.

The Powerboat Week is perhaps the one event that our Club has been under-represented in recent years.  It is a great week of fun on the island and includes activities such as docking and maneuverability contests and the ever-popular cardboard boat race in addition to social events like miniature golf.

To learn more about I-LYA and this year’s events, please visit the I-LYA website at or feel free to ask Matt, Tracey, or Steve for more details.

How I was Shamed into Learning the Rules of Sailing

by David Paligo

When I first started racing with Core Four, I only had one job on the J/30 and that was to trim the main sail and adjust the traveler as required. As a rookie, All my focus was on those four tell-tails streaming off the leach of the main sail; so I hardly paid any attention to anything else on the boat except my job. A couple of years later I decided it was time to sell our 18 foot power boat and buy a sailboat. Within two weeks all that came to be, soon both Jane and I were learning how to step the mast and rig our new Ranger 20. Of course, as any new and proud owner of any sailboat, we needed to take our new pride and joy out on an adventure all by ourselves. We knew how to rig the boat, we knew how to launch and retrieve it (remember, we were power boaters once), and my racing had taught me how to trim sails; so we figured we should get out and see just how well we could do by ourselves.

For our adventure we decided to pull the boat up to Yale Reservoir as it was only one hour away from our home and we could practice raising and lowering the mast, launching and retrieving, and still be able to have the boat back home for sailing on the Columbia River for the following week.

Things could not have been more perfect: the winds were 5 to 7 knots and we almost had the lake to ourselves so we could practice our tacking and gybing. Jane was driving the boat and I was in heaven trimming the jib and the main. All of a sudden we look up to see another sailboat on a collision course with us. Jane looks at me and asks, “What do we do?” and I said, “I don’t know.” She asked, “What would Doug do in this situation? (my mentor) and I said he’d yell “STARBOARD!” so I yell in my most seaman-like voice, “STARBOARD!” and the boat immediately tacks out of our way. Jane looks at me and says, “Uh, I think we’re on port and he was on starboard.” We humbly yelled, “We’re sorry!” and vowed to each other that we would learn and understand “The Racing Rules of Sailing.”

How about you, do you know and understand the basic rules of sailing?  Do you get out on the water and have questions like, “Are we on a collision course?” “Who is on starboard; who is on port?” “Who has rights or who is the give-way boat?” and so forth?

Jane and I have been sailing together for many years after our little starboard experience and to this day, we still challenge each other to the Basic Rules of Sailing and who has the right of way or who has to give way. Do you?

David recently joined BLYC after relocating from Portland, Oregon.  He has years of sailing and racing experience on the Columbia River where he primarily sailed Merit 25’s and Ranger 20’s.  He and his wife Jane reside in Heron Bay.