Temperature – 62°F
Humidity – 56%
Wind – 7 kts, south, decreasing to 2 kts
Course – B (S-1-2-1-2-F)
The 2021 BLYC Sailing/Racing Season has officially started with the entry of more boats this season.
With the winds directly out of the South, RC announced we would be using a skewed triangle course with a Start/Finish line and around two marks. Because of the wind direction and the course layout it would be a beam reach around the entire course. It was announced at the skippers meeting we would be doing two laps and if the winds die RC could shorten course at the start/finish.
At 1300 hours, we opened the season with a blessing from our Fleet Chaplin Father Mike. The race started with a steady 7 knots and it looked promising to get 2-laps in. As the boats were rounding mark 2, the wind slowed to 3-4 knots and by the time they got to the finish line they were at 2 knots.
Big thanks go out to all who are working hard to make 2021 Sailing/Racing a successful season.
Congratulations Team Reflection!