May 23, 2021
Temp: 87*F
Humidity: 47%
Wind: NNW 4-9 knot
Course: A (S-1-2-F)
Buckeye Lake Sail-On-Sunday is taking off with renewed enthusiasm. Week 2 had three
Catalina Capri 22’s out of the 9 registered sailboats going to the start line. Winds were
steady/unsteady and fluky at times but we were able to get 2 races in the record books
towards the Commodore Chris J. Lambrecht Cup Trophy.
As BLYC sailing & racing is making this strong comeback, it is exciting to see more sailboats on the water and the FUN “family style” competition on Racers Row and then teams going on the water to practice timing and working to remove the rust & cobwebs from our long winter.
The after-race social is becoming a place to ask fellow competitor’s on how a team can improve in next week’s race. Buckeye Lake Sailboat Racing is BACK. Who is the next team to chase the ‘Rabbits Flag’ for a week? It can be your Team.
Thank you, Race Committee, for an excellent job setting up the course and the start of racing
on time.