Toledo Yacht Club, Storm Trysail Club, and the Mills Trophy Race Committee invite you to the 99th Mills Trophy Race June 9-11

Toledo to Put-in-Bay June 9-11, 2023
Registration for the 2023 Mills Trophy Race is now open and we hope you will join us for the 99th edition of the race and associated activities. Information about the race can be found in the Notice of Race. Please read it carefully, for any changes from previous years.
The Race
Courses for the 2023 Mills Trophy Race will remain the same as 2022. The rating bands, however, have been changed. JAM and PHRF (150 & above) may compete on the President’s Trophy course, while PHRF (147 & below) will have the option of sailing either the Governor’s Cup course or the Mills Trophy course. Multihulls will sail the Mills Trophy course.
In addition to PHRF scoring, ORC certificate holders may also opt to be dual-scored. This option is only available on the Mills Trophy course and requires a minimum of 6 boats for flags and a trophy. If you wish to participate, enter your certificate # on your registration, submit a copy of your certificate, and add PHRF/ORC dual scoring to your registration fee.
Special Pricing
Register and pay by May 8 to receive special pricing.
Safety at Sea
Of special note are the safety-at-sea requirements for the 2023 race. The US Sailing Online Coastal Safety at Sea course satisfies the requirement for SER 4.3.2. The form for documenting compliance with the Crew Overboard Recovery Drill is available on the Mills Trophy Race Yacht Scoring registration site in the document section.
Mills Masters
If you have sailed 25 or more Mills Trophy Races, and are not currently on the list, please send an e-mail to Mills Trophy Race describing your participation. Skippers and crew are eligible for this designation.
Storm Trysail Club
The Old Sam Trophy is awarded to the best finish by a skipper that is a member of the Storm Trysail Club. Please indicate your affiliation with STC in the Yacht Club field along with your yacht club affiliation.
More Kids On Sailboats
To continue to grow the sport of sailing on the Great Lakes, More Kids On Sailboats (a 501(c)(3)), will recognize our multi-generational Mills Trophy Race crews with their new annual award, the #MKOS 1st to Finish flag. The flag will be awarded to the first boat to cross the finish line, regardless of course, with two (2) or more kids on board. A “Kid” is any crew member under the age of 18 at the finish of the Mills Trophy Race. The flag will be presented to the kids of the winning boat at the flag ceremony on Sunday morning. Also, the skipper will be recognized for their efforts to continue to grow the sport of sailing. Sailing takes great communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and grit. Let’s help our youth grow into strong leaders by promoting these skills.
2023 Mills Trophy Race Party
On Thursday, June 8, Toledo Yacht Club will once again host the Mills Trophy Race Party. Join us for refreshments, entertainment and a chance to socialize with other racers. As always, dockage is available at the yacht club for all registered boats beginning the weekend prior to the race.
Post-Race Party
The members of the Put-in-Bay Yacht Club will be our hosts for the post-race party on Saturday afternoon; the perfect opportunity to celebrate or commiserate! Wristbands can be purchased with your registration for $20 and includes admission to the tent, refreshments and entertainment.
Friends of the Mills Sponsorship
Events such as the Mills Trophy Race, rely on advertisers and sponsors to supplement the registration fees paid by the sailors. If you would like to show your support in a special way, please consider a Friends of the Mills Sponsorship.
For more information on the Mills Trophy Race, visit our website.
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