Commodore Steve Harris – May, 2013
Most Yacht Clubs observe the tradition of holding an annual “Commodores Ball” which is often one of the premiere social events of the year. But, what, really, is a Commodores Ball? (And, for that matter, is it Commodore’s or Commodores’ ? Where do you put the apostrophe? Does it belong to someone at all? But, I digress…) Unfortunately, historical references to the BLYC Commodores Ball are few and far between. But, here are some thoughts on this great Club tradition.
The dictionary defines “ball” in this usage as… a large, usually lavish, formal party featuring social dancing and sometimes given for a particular purpose, as to introduce debutantes.
Well, I don’t know that one can draw much of a comparison between BLYC Commodores and “debutantes” but one of the purposes of our Commodores Ball is certainly introductions. It is a tradition in most yacht clubs to recognize those who volunteer their time to serve and lead the Club. At some Clubs, the event is held specifically to recognize the current Commodore. At others, like BLYC, we recognize all of our Commodores. BLYC Commodores are indeed a unique, diverse, and sometimes quirky group, but they all share one thing in common – years of service to, and a great love for, BLYC. It seems appropriate that we should recognize that.
It is the duty of the Vice Commodore to put on the Commodores Ball and the manner in which he or she chooses to recognize our Commodores is at his or her discretion. Some years, we’ve heard details of their accomplishments as Commodore, others, a bit about what else was going on in the world during their tenure. But, it always has included some good-hearted fun and frivolity – I still proudly display my “Commodore’s Caricature” at home (Thank you Commodore Russell!) Given the well-known humor and wit of Vice Commodore Ryan, this year’s event is a “must attend” if for no other reason than to find out what he’s got planned!
“A large, usually lavish, formal party…” may or may not describe our Ball. Having attended several other Club’s Commodores Balls in recent years, I can attest to the fact that there are those Clubs that put on events that can rival a royal wedding in their lavishness and excess – tuxedos and evening gowns, $100+ per plate dinners, and a “Grand March” of dignitaries – but BLYC’s, while still a “formal” affair, is a bit less dramatic. Like any event at our Club, it is primarily for the enjoyment and sociability of all of our members, not just those being recognized and introduced.
That brings us to “… featuring social dancing…” This is definitely a part of the BLYC Commodores Ball. Like all of our events at BLYC, the fun is always the social part. All in all, the Commodores Ball is a great opportunity to have a great meal, socialize, dance a bit to a great band, and just spend some time with your fellow members.
Make your reservations today – See you May 18th