Yachtsmen Meet and Form a Club

The following article appeared in the Ohio State Journal on April 25, 1906 – the day after the initial organizational meeting for what would become the Buckeye Lake Yacht Club. A transcript appears below:



Columbus and Newark Men Join

Hands to Boom Buckeye

Lake Sailing.

L. A. Sackett Elected Commodore

Series of Regattas

Are to Be Held.

Large and representative was the gathering of yacht owners and others  interested in sail and power boats at Buckeye Lake, held Tuesday evening at Leachman’s. Several well-known patrons of the sport, who were present, discussed the present and future possibilities of yachting at the lake.

An organization, to be named later, was effected. Permanent officers elected were:

Commodore – L.A. Sackett of Columbus
Vice Commodore – Edwin S. Browne of Newark
Rear Commodore – Albert Corrodi of Columbus
Secretary – Charles D. Lynch of Columbus
Treasurer – James T. Haynes of Newark

The above-named officers, with Dell Fisher of Buckeye lake, H.M. Gates of Columbus and G.A. Sackett of Columbus, are to form a board of directors for control of the club.

A committee composed of Charles D. Lynch, George F. Mooney and Albert Corrodi of Columbus was appointed to draft a constitution and bylaws for adoption at the next meeting, and a committee composed of Mr. Edwin S. Browne and Mr. William Wells of Newark and Mr. William Foos of Newark will submit a name and flag design at the same time.

The next meeting will be held Sunday, May 6, at Mr. Wells’ cottage at Orchard island, Buckeye lake. It is expected that the meeting will be even more enthusiastic and interesting than the one last night, and all who were invited to attend the first meeting and were prevented from being present by various causes, will be expected to attend on May 6, when a good time is promised.

The meeting will be held at 11 a.m. Many of the charter members will be at Orchard island with their craft, both sail and power, and it will probably be the greatest gathering of sail and power boats ever seen at Buckeye lake. Great interest was manifested by the yachtsmen present last night and there is no doubt but what Columbus and Newark can boast in future of having at their very thresholds a fine and active yacht club as any lake or seacoast towns.

A series of regattas and special events on holidays and Saturday afternoons has already been proposed and, at the next meeting a fleet captain and regatta committee will be elected to push the matter.

Little has been done heretofore toward promoting yachting at Buckeye lake, but the new organization promises to be an active element in making the lake famous for inland boating. The many cottages at the lake are greatly interested in the movement and many have signified their willingness to give their best efforts to the furtherance of the project.


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