Thanks to the generous donations of many BLYC members and friends, Buckeye Lake Junior Sailing, Inc. was able to purchase two new Club 420 sailboats this summer. These boats, manufactured by Zim Sailing, were used for the US Sailing Junior Women’s Doublehanded Championships for the Ida Lewis Trophy in Mentor, Ohio in late July and again for the Chubb US Sailing Junior Doublehanded Championships for the Bemis Trophy in LaSalle, Michigan the first week of August. They have only been raced twice! As a result of Zim’s loaner program for the Championships, the boats are made available for sale to junior sailing programs at a discounted price.

These boats will significantly improve our junior sailing fleet and provide additional opportunities for our youth sailors too learn, race, and be competitive. The last time we purchase new boats for the program was in the early 2000’s. The youth sailors, and everyone around the Club, is excited about the opportunities that these new boats will offer and are looking forward to seeing them on the water.
On Sunday, September 2, we plan to launch the boats for the first time on Buckeye Lake. The Juniors will launch at Lieb’s Island and parade the boats down the lake to the Club where BLYC Fleet Chaplain Fr. Mike Gribble will offer a fleet blessing for the new boats and for our junior sailors. All BLYC members, friends, and members of the Buckeye Lake community are invited to join us – along the north shore or at BLYC – to celebrate this growth in our program and welcome the new additions to our fleet. More Information to Come…
We are still accepting donations for the program and to help fully fund the purchase of these new boats. Please contact Mike Bruckelmeyer for details.